Friday, July 11, 2008


I love weekends so much, they are my favorite time of my life. Friday night we are usually completely selfish. We stay at home and watch a movie eat dinner and drink wine. We sit outside in our back yard and play chess or just go for walks. Nothing is better to start off a weekend as time just for yourself.
Every morning the first thing that comes into my head is coffee. I love coffee and live on coffee. It is pathetic I know but oh well. So Saturday morning we wake up take a little walk, with Maddie, to get coffee Enjoy our latte on the way home taking new routes around the neighborhoods and end up at home. We go to church eat lunch with the family and then go out.
Sunday is breakfast at one of our favorite spots. We always take our time and maybe go to Barnes and Noble to check out books and magazines. Then Rith goes to work and I have the afternoon to my self. I love that time too. It is full of cleaning, laundry, laying in the sun, and being lazy. About five the depression hits me that it is all over and I have to go back to work again...but then I will have another weekend after five short days of work.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hot Tomato Red and a Lot of Money Continued

I now have blisters all over my stomach! Four days later. I feel like I have some crazy skin disease and may soon have cancer.

Hot Tomato Red and a Lot of Money

We went to LA for a long weekend...
Here are the pros (because i try to be an optimist)
1. I met new cousins and they were fun.
2. We went to the beach.
3. The air was clear and temperature was warm.
The Con's
1. Expensive! Driving, Vegas, coffee all the time.
2. We sat at the adult table...We could only just see our other cousins having fun.
3. Long trip home.
4.Oh and my stomach is bright red! I have never been so burnt.