Thursday, August 14, 2008

Karma bite you in the ass!

I have these neighbors who have been nothing but terrible. So terrible that I am afraid that they will poison my dog. So it all started when we moved in and were hooking up cable. The cable guy unhooked their cable because it was on our side of the fence. Well they got all worked up and called the police. Like they do not have anything better to do than worry about someones cable being unhooked for two seconds. What ever!
Anyway so we are moving into a new place. We called to change over the gas to our new house and they came to turn off our gas at our old place. We came back over last night at 10:30 and they are standing on out side of the house with a person from the gas company. Apparently, the gas company shut off both of the units. They were so angry about it that they would not even answer us when we asked what was happening. Ha Ha. I think that they deserve what they get!

Monday, August 11, 2008

So Much Happening

It always seems like everything happens all at once. I get a new job and we move. Life goes for so long being calm and peaceful and then suddenly I have a million things to do all at the same time. I spent the weekend painting and getting thing ready to move our stuff in. I am excited to be moving there. It is nice because we are making the inside look like it is a brand new house full of our style. Well almost...I would have definitely gone for some more funky colors as accents but it is not our home and we will do what we can to add our style into the house.
I also just got a new job and am starting at the beginning of next week so between moving and the stress of starting at a new place I am exhausted. But the end result will be well worth the stress and busyness.