Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What a Waste of Time!

I just finished all the Twilight Books. I remember being young and reading these no substance romance books. And I admit that I read a series that was so sappy and heart wrenching, but they never made the obsessive craze that these books have. What a bunch of fluff. Not only did the author try too hard but her writing was a sad attempt at quality. It is as sad as The Da Vinci Code without the interesting research.
I am mostly sad that girls are still surrounding them selves with books that have no redeeming quality to them. They read this fluff and think that that is what life is about, it never prepares them for the real world and the have very strange expectations of Happily Ever After. What shit! Can we not read books like Little Women that is about the girls making better choices? About wanting a career, learning how hard it is too be married, about death, and shaping your character into something good instead of your body.
Lastly, these books bugged me because I wasted a total of 2560 on something that could have fit into at least half that. I wasted about a month reading them and do not feel smarter for doing so!

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