Thursday, June 19, 2008

Twas The Night Before the Big Race...

and all through the house, we are searching for all the little things that is needed. Running clothes? Check. Shoes? Check. Ipod? Check. Entertainment for our car time? Check.

Two days ago, I descovered that I really get irritated by change. What? Me? I have certain people on my team and even though they are 40, they are so afraid that they are not going to be in their cars with their friends. Are we sure that they are old enough to run this race or are they 12? Whatever. So we have rearranged ourselves and changed the legs that we are running. It makes no difference to them that we have been training for the legs that we had and that we had picked them months ago. Rith has a different leg that is much different than his previous ones and well I get the easiest leg of the race.
I am kinda disappointed in that. It is just not the same satisfaction in my mind. Oh well...I will get it over with in two days and I am sure that we will have a great time no matter what.

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