Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wasatch Back

What was I thinking?!? You say do you want to run a race and I will say sure even before I know details. That happened to me two months ago. "Hey Nichola, so do you and Rith want to run Wasatch Back?" "Yeah sign us up!". Later we would find out the information about it. First, that it is a relay race that will last us what 30 hours and 180.5 miles. Second, it costs us over a hundred dollars each(we could have paid for almost all the concerts that we wanted to go to with that money and danced the same calories away). And lastly, we do not have very much time to train. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Well the race is coming up on Friday. I am trying to be ready for the whole thing and I guess that I will see how prepared I am for it on Friday. It did get me up off my lazy ass and started running again. I am now at that point that I miss running if I skip a day and that is nice to be back to that feeling. I am hoping that when I go out to California no one will ask me if I am pregnant...I guess that that is the best thing that will come out of doing this race. Well that and the bragging rights! I will get pictures up of it next week.

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